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Calendar of Events
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TM Operative (Non Practicing) | Palmerston North
TM Operative (Non Practicing) | Palmerston North
This workshop partly replaces the old Traffic Controller (TC) course. It provides the theory (non practicing) classroom-based training required before progressing to the full TMO Practicing qualification.
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TM Operative (Non Practicing) | Porirua
TM Operative (Non Practicing) | Porirua
This workshop partly replaces the old Traffic Controller (TC) course. It provides the theory (non-practicing) classroom-based training required before progressing to the full TMO Practicing qualification.
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TM Operative (Non Practicing) | Napier
TM Operative (Non Practicing) | Napier
This workshop partly replaces the old Traffic Controller (TC) course. It provides the theory (non-practicing) classroom-based training required before progressing to the full TMO Practicing qualification.